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This Weeks New Releases

October 6, 2009

Spore Hero Arena
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes

Not so bad, but next week will be some a little huge. Lets wait for the next week!


Tokyo Game Show '09

I know all of you heard this news as always, a game show held in japan(where almost all the great games came from).

Well, I'm only focusing on the DS games 'cause thats only what I play the most of my time but of course the other platform is still amazing but I only want to share what's new on DS games that will emerge in the US someday or maybe next year.

One of the games I see is the "Four Warriors of Light" or like the Final Fantasy III. It's a wow! for me 'cause I'm a fan of Square-Enix and this new game of Square's a lot of fun to see 'cause the background of the game is like you've painted the whole game. Thats the only news I get from the mentors, Gamespot.

But not only Four Warriors of Light is the only new in DS games, ofcourse there's a lot of new games that really gets you crave to have it now!

Here's a list of new DS games(only in japan for now folks!):
Again(Makers of Hotel Dusk)
Ninokuni(Level-5 Studio)
Tsumuji(Think of a game like Mini Ninjas)

Lets beat that game when it comes from the US(Hopefully guys...)



Nintendo DS Bundle: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

This is a limited offer that release in japan only? Which I heard from the others. This is not a latest right 'cause I think it release since the month of April or May 2009.

I'm still want this to have but I think if only I can go to Japan, I'll buy this Godamn thing! ;)

Still, the new release of US version of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is available now!
Grab a copy now everyone!

If your only downloading the game, here's the link a prefer:



Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is a role-playing game set in the Kingdom Hearts universe and will feature Roxas and Axel in both single-player and multiplayer missions.


Theater Mode
Beat the game once, and Theater Mode will become available to you. You'll be able to watch every cutscene in the game.

Unlockable         How to Unlock
Theater Mode    Beat the game

Unlocking Characters in Mission Mode

Unlockable         How to Unlock
Donald                Play story mode to day 244
Goofy                  Play story mode to day 277
Riku                    Play story mode to day 171
Xion                    Play story mode to day 96
King Mickey      Beat the game and purchase the item Return of the King from the moogle shop
Sora                    100% complete all missions and purchase the item Soul of Sora from the moogle shop

Link to FAQS/Walkthrough Guide:
Panel/Shop Guide
Mission Guide


This imaginative puzzle game will stimulate your creativity and delight you in spite of its imprecise controls.


Gold Star Rankings

After you've completed a given puzzle, you'll be awarded a Silver Star on the puzzle selection screen to indicate your success. However, you can get a higher ranking. Retrying the same puzzle activates Advance Mode, which is a bonus challenge. You have to beat the same level three times in a row, and with different objects each time. If you restart, you'll have to begin the challenge from the beginning. If you successfully complete the Advance Mode version of a puzzle, you'll be awarded a Gold Star on the selection screen.

Unlockable How to Unlock
Gold Stars Complete a level, then retry it to activate Advance Mode. Complete Advance Mode.


Merits are awards/achievments you can earn by doing different things in a given level. However, you need to complete the level in order to get them.

Unlockable How to Unlock
All New Complete a level with objects you've never used before.
Audiophile Write 2 or more instruments or audio objects.
Chauffeur Drive a vehicle with more than one passenger
Chef Write two or more foods
Closet Write two or more clothes.
Electrolysis Shock someone with electricity.
Elemental Write more than one element.
Exterminator Two or more humanoidsor animals start a level, and are destroyed.
Firefighter Put out at least 2 fires.
Genius Complete a level twice in a row.
Glutton Feed someone or something 3 times in a row.
Jockey Use an animal as a vehicl.e
Mechanic Jump start a vehicle.
Miner 49er Dig a massive hole.
New Object Write a completely new item.
No Weapons Don't write a weapon to complete a level.
Pariah Make 3 humanoids or animals flee.
Prodigy Complete a level 3 times in a row.
Pyromaniac Set at least 4 objects on fire in a level.
Roped In Write 2 or more rope objects.
Savior Two or more humanoids or animals start and finish a level alive.
Smuggler Hide an item in a container.
Tooling Around Write 2 or more tool objects.
Humanitarian Write two or more humans.
Zookeeper Write two or more animals.
Whisperer Ride a hostile animal.
Bioterrorist Introduce the plague and infect 2 or more people.
Combo Combine any two objects together.
Cupid Shoot a humanoid with Cupid's arrow.
Sea Two Write 2 or more sea vehicles.
Environmentalist Write 2 or more environmental objects.
Fantasynovel Write 2 fantasy objects.
Herpetologist Write 2 or more reptiles.
Magician Use the magic wand to turn something into a toad.
Marine Biologist Write 2 or more fish.
Militant Use 2 weapons and 1 weaponized vehicle.
Novice Angler Catch a fish with a fishing pole.
Picasso Write 2 or more drawing object tools.
Reanimator Bring a corpse back to life.
Smasher Write 2 or more melee weapons.
Sweet Tooth Write 2 or more junk foods.
Water Jockey Use a sea animal as a vehicle.
Botanist Write 2 or more plants.
Architect Write 2 buildings.
Entertainer Write 2 or more entertainment objects.
Decorator Write 2 furniture objects.
Ornithologist Write 2 or more birds.
5TH Cell Spawn a 5TH Cell employee.
Arrrrrr Attach the Jolly Roger to a flagpole.
Entomologist Spawn two or more insects.
Explosive Spawn two or more objects that explode.
Gold Digger Spawn three or more precious stones.
Healer Spawn two or more medical objects.
Infected Spawn a zombie and make it infect at least two humanoids.
Janitor Spawn two or more cleaning objects.
Knight School Kill a dragon using a melee weapon.
Lumberjack Cut down three or more trees.
Mad Hatter Place a hat on four or more humanoids or animals.
Organ Donor Spawn two or more organs.
Paleontologist Spawn two ore more dinosaurs.
Pilot Spawn two or more aircraft.
Russian Doll Place an object inside another object, and then place that object into a third object.
Shoveler Spawn two or more digging objects.
Stealth Destory a security camera.
Washington Chop down a Cherry tree.
Miser Obtain a total of 300,000 or more Ollars
Haxxor Write 5 or more developers.
Luddite Short out 3 or more objects.
Messiah Turn a humanoid into a deity.
Old School Write 2 or more classic videogame objects.
Split Personality Write 2 or more cutting or splitting tool objects.
Series of Tubes Spawn 'tube' five times.
Grab and Go Write 2 or more grabbing tool objects.
Fashion Designer Cloth Maxwell's head, body, legs, feet and give him an accessory.
Joust Defeat a knight while Maxwell is mounted.

Original Scribblenaut Costume.

To Get the original scribblenaut costume, (Avatar same as typing in scribblenaut) You must complete all of the challenge levels in Advance Mode. (both puzzle and action) This avatar is the original design for the main character before he was changed to Maxwell.

Title Screen Backgrounds

When you're at the title screen (sandbox mode), you can unlock 14 more backgrounds by typing words that fall into certain categories. These are some words that unlock the backgrounds.

Unlockable How to Unlock
Background 02 Type "cat".
Background 03 Type "car".
Background 04 Type "bee".
Background 05 Type "tree".
Background 06 Type "woman".
Background 07 Type "coffin".
Background 08 Type "vibes".
Background 09 Type "coin".
Background 10 Type "chair".
Background 11 Type "zombie".
Background 12 Type "court".
Background 13 Type "rain" and select "rain(water)".
Background 14 Type "it".
Background 15 Type "pc".

Easter Eggs

  • Hidden levels

    If you spawn a teleporter and use it, it takes you to one of three secret levels. Time Machine leads to secret levels as well.


  • Easy Advanced Mode

    The game ignores adjectives you try to put when writing any word, so writing "Small Hat" or "Big Hat" will only be recognized as "Hat", and will spawn the same thing. The exploit is in the fact that during Advanced Mode, the game will NOT accuse "same word" if you type an adjective before the word itself, eventhough the exact same thing is spawned. You can clear a stage three times by typing "Wings" the first time, "Big Wings" the second time and "Small Wings" the third time, you'll simply get the Wings all three times, but the game will register 3 different words and will allow it. If you're feeling lazy, you don't even have to put in a proper adjective, since the game doesn't recognize them, simply typing "aaa Wings" will register as "Wings", the game ignores the "aaa" as an Adjective (even if it really isn't one).

  • Easily Pass Some Action Levels

    Some action stages can be easily completed by spawning a pair of handcuffs and attaching them to the Starite found on the level. Then spawn a vending machine and place it next to the handcuffed Starite. Attach the other end of the handcuffs to the vending machine and it should give you the option to "fill" it with the Starite. Once the Starite is in the vending machine, simply drag it to Maxwell and click it to empty it out. This exploit is also said to work with other objects that can be filled such as baskets.

Link to FAQS/Walkthrough:
FAQS/Walkthrough Guide
Merit Guide
Full Dictionary

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
The acclaimed Mario & Luigi series returns with another hilarious action role-playing game. Join the Mario Bros. as their travels take them far and wide.

Links to FAQS/Walkthrough:
Ability Guide
FAQS/Walkthrough Guide

Naruto Shippuden: Ninja Destiny 2

Naruto Shippuden: Ninja Destiny 2
The Second Sequel of Naruto Shippuden.


Unlockable Characters
Follow instructions to unlock new characters!

Unlockable How to Unlock

Jiraiya Beat Story mode once
Tsunade Beat Story mode once
One Tail Kyuubi Naruto Complete story mode in difficult
Legendary Sannin Win 15 battles in Survival Mode
Kabuto Win 15 battles in Survival Mode
True Form Sasori Complete sidequest 2 - see Deidara
Non - Shippuden Characters Win 15 battles in Survival Mode in difficult
Deidara Complete sidequest 2 - Instead of going South to find Sai, go East, then North-West to find Shino. He will give you sidequest 2
Hoshigaki Kisame Complete sidequest 1 - see Uchiha Itachi
Uchiha Itachi Complete Sidequest 1 - Instead of going South in story mode to find Sai, go East to do the sidequest
Four Tail Kyuubi Naruto Clear all 30 floors of Exploration Mode with all 10 characters on normal difficulty.
Sasuke (s) Beat story on any difficulty

Exploration Mode
This is the mode that you can unlock after you beat the game.

Unlockable How to Unlock

Exploration Mode Beat the Story Mode

Link to FAQS/Walkthrough Guides:
Naruto Shippuden: Ninja Destiny 2 FAQS/Walkthrough

The Release of New Games since Sept. 13 to 19

Sept. 14, 09

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

Sept. 15, 09

Bleach: The 3rd Phantom
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Naruto Shippuden: Ninja Destiny 2

Grab a Copy now if you still didn't have any of it!

Link to free rom:
Free Rom! At Romulation!


This Week Popular Release

Sept. 29, 09

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
The Wizard Of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road
MySims Agents
Battle Of Giants - Dragons

The other release might not be so interested by other gamers, also me of course. ;)

Grab a copy right now!

Other source if your using only a Memory card:
Grab A Free Copy Now!


Welcome Myself to this blog!

Because I'm still newbie in this blogger, it's still on-going and I'm starting to find many latest right now so I'll update this as soon as possible.

Thanks, everybody...

Admin, Nintendo Ds Solution

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